How To Raise Your Credit Score

Raising your credit score won't happen overnight. The bottom line is you need to establish a good pay history to show potential creditors that you're worth lending to. Your ultimate goal is to have great credit scores. First, you have to stop paying cash for everything. A person with no credit is almost as bad as one with bad credit. A person just out of bankruptcy or foreclosure can also improve their credit scores and need to prove to potential lenders that they have learned their lesson and now are committed to improving their credit habits.

Here is a basic outline you need to follow to improve your credit score:

  1. Clean up your credit report. Obtain a copy of your report and exam it for errors. Dispute any incorrect items. I recommend because it provides all three credit scores and credit reports for $1.00
  2. Get new credit or secured credit cards. Here's a list of secured credit card companies we suggest you check out:
  1. Keep the accounts you open active each month but maintain a low balance. Have some activity on each card each month. That does not mean the you have to run put and charge up all your cards to their credit limit. Fact is that charging your cards up to your credit limit or maxing out your cards will drop your score quickly. The trick to a higher score is to only charge a limited amount on each card, let's say $20 each month. When the bill comes pay it and charge another $20. You must follow this technique for at least 3 months before you see your score increase. Its very important to remember that maintaining high balances on any credit card will drop your score even if you are making your payments on time each month.
  2. Dispute inquiries off your credit report. Another quick way to boost your credit score is to dispute the inquiries on your report. Inquiries remain on your credit file for two years.

For more information on How to Improve Your Credit Score please contact Rich Riley at (919)889-3789 or We will gladly review your report and give you a consultation absolutely FREE.